Corvus, the Crow Constellation

Welcome back to White Rose of Avalon my Darlings!    Today’s post is yet another one about my favorite bird the crow, but this time I am focusing on the Corvus, the crow constellation.   Corvus is located right next to Virgo, giving this constellation a very special placement for me, as it is aligned to my Sun and Moon sign!

Corvus is also located between the Cauldron-shaped constellation and an Owl-shaped constellation, as they move along the hydra.   This is a very interesting piece of star lore that I did not realize until I recently saw a YouTube video by the Ogham Grove that discussed some of this information!    This means that Corvus is related to a constellation that can be seen as an astrological symbol of the Holy Grail or several sacred Cauldrons (which is aligned with Leo, just as Corvus is aligned with Virgo).    It also means that the Crow and Owl constellations are adjacent to one another in the sky, proving a star lore link between my two favorite species of birds!    The Owl constellation would be partially aligned with Libra, due to its location coming after Corvus along the hydra constellation line.

The Divine Goddess aspects of birds, especially pertaining to Corvids and Owls, are shown in the impressive star lore that happens to align quite well with my own astrological chart.   I find this very fascinating, as it proved to help explain why I always felt such a strong connection with birds, why I am in such a deep relationship with Goddesses associated with these birds, and even why I have always associated these birds with Autumn.

I want to finish by discussing a little bit about crows, in general, to tie this post together.   Crows are beautiful and insanely intelligent birds of prophecy who are potent omens of protection, but can also serve as a warning during times of possible danger.   Corvid birds, as well as Owls, can serve as important guides for us when we make the journey into the Shadows of our own Unconscious minds!   Sometimes the appearance of a Crow or Raven can herald a messenger from the Goddess, or from our own psyche, especially if it comes to us during a time when we are going through a great amount of Spiritual Development.   Crows and Ravens hold a very special place in Celtic culture, especially in Welsh Celtic culture with their ties to Morgan le Fay and to the Isle of Avalon.   Owls are equally important within the Isle of Avalon, due to their association with freedom and wisdom, as well as the fact that Blodeuwedd was turned into an Owl in her tale from The Mabinogion.   At the end of the day, the Crow and Owl constellations remind me of the comforting Dark Winged embrace that I feel from these powerful bird-associated Goddesses!

I hope you have enjoyed this short look at these bird constellations.   Are you interested in learning more about these star lore stories?   Let me know your thoughts in the comments below!

Note on Image: The image at the top of the post is a chart of Corvus and the adjacent constellations.   I found the image on   

Tarot Note: I have a page offering tarot and oracle readings for those interested in these services!    I am very happy to be offering these readings to my treasured readers at White Rose of Avalon!  Link to page:   

Further Reading/Watching